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/ DS-CD ROM 2 1993 August / DS CD-ROM 2.Ausgabe (August 1993).iso / programm / ds0183 / wortlist.srt < prev   
Text File  |  1991-11-29  |  38KB  |  3,014 lines

  1. AbortDoc
  2. Abs
  4. Abstract
  5. AccessResource
  6. ADC
  7. ADD
  8. AddAtom
  9. AddFontResource
  10. Addr
  11. AddString
  12. AdjustWindowRect
  13. AdjustWindowRectExt
  14. AH
  15. AL
  16. AllocDStoCSAlias
  17. AllocMultiSel
  18. AllocResource
  19. AllocSelector
  20. Alternate
  21. AND
  22. AnimatePalette
  23. AnsiLower
  24. AnsiLowerBuff
  25. AnsiNext
  26. AnsiPrev
  27. AnsiToOem
  28. AnsiToOemBuff
  29. AnsiUpper
  30. AnsiUpperBuff
  31. ANSI_CharSet
  32. ANSI_Fixed_Font
  33. ANSI_Var_Font
  34. AnyPopup
  35. Append
  36. AppendMenu
  37. Application
  38. Arc
  39. ArcTan
  40. ArrangeIconicWindows
  41. ArrangeIcons
  42. ARRAY
  43. ASM
  44. AspectX
  45. AspectXY
  46. AspectY
  48. Assign
  49. AssignCrt
  50. At
  51. AtDelete
  52. AtFree
  53. AtInsert
  54. AtPut
  55. Attr
  56. AutoMode
  57. AutoScroll
  58. AutoTracking
  59. AX
  60. BandInfo
  61. BaudRate
  62. bcBitCount
  63. bcHeight
  64. bcPlanes
  65. bcSize
  66. bcWidth
  67. BEGIN
  68. BeginDeferWindowPos
  69. BeginPaint
  70. BeginView
  71. Begin_Path
  72. bfOffBits
  73. bfReserved1
  74. bfReserved2
  75. bfSize
  76. bfType
  77. bf_Checked
  78. bf_Grayed
  79. bf_Unchecked
  80. BH
  81. biBitCount
  82. biClrImportant
  83. biClrUsed
  84. biCompression
  85. biHeight
  86. biPlanes
  87. biSize
  88. biSizeImage
  89. BitBlt
  90. BitsPixel
  91. biWidth
  92. biXPelsPerMeter
  93. biYPelsPerMeter
  94. bi_RGB
  95. bi_RLE4
  96. bi_RLE8
  97. BL
  98. Blackness
  99. BlackOnWhite
  100. Black_Brush
  101. Black_Pen
  102. BlockRead
  103. BlockWrite
  104. bmBits
  105. bmBitsPixel
  106. bmciColors
  107. bmciHeader
  108. bmHeight
  109. bmiColors
  110. bmiHeader
  111. bmPlanes
  112. bmType
  113. bmWidth
  114. bmWidthBytes
  115. bm_GetCheck
  116. bm_GetState
  117. bm_Setcheck
  118. bm_SetState
  119. bm_SetStyle
  120. BNClicked
  121. bn_Clicked
  122. bn_DoubleClicked
  123. Bool
  124. BOOLEAN
  125. BP
  126. BringWindowToTop
  127. bs_3State
  128. bs_Auto3State
  129. bs_AutoCheckBox
  130. bs_AutoRadioButton
  131. bs_CheckBox
  132. bs_DefPushButton
  133. bs_DIBPattern
  134. bs_GroupBox
  135. bs_Hatched
  136. bs_Hollow
  137. bs_LeftText
  138. bs_Null
  139. bs_OwnerDraw
  140. bs_Pattern
  141. bs_PushButton
  142. bs_RadioButton
  143. bs_Solid
  144. BufEnd
  145. Buffer
  146. BufPos
  147. BufPtr
  148. BufSize
  149. BuildCommDCB
  150. BX
  151. BYTE
  152. ByteSize
  153. CallMsgFilter
  154. CallWindowProc
  155. Cancel
  156. CanClose
  157. CanUndo
  158. CascadeChildren
  159. CASE
  160. Catch
  161. cbClsExtra
  162. cbInQe
  163. cbm_Init
  164. cbn_DblClk
  165. cbn_DropDown
  166. cbn_EditChange
  167. cbn_EditUpdate
  168. cbn_ErrSpace
  169. cbn_KillFocus
  170. cbn_SelChange
  171. cbn_SetFocus
  172. cbOutQe
  173. cbs_AutoHScroll
  174. cbs_DropDown
  175. cbs_DropDownList
  176. cbs_HasStrings
  177. cbs_NoIntegralHeight
  178. cbs_OEMConvert
  179. cbs_OwnerDrawFixed
  180. cbs_OwnerDrawVariable
  181. cbs_Simple
  182. cbs_Sort
  183. cbWndExtra
  184. cBytes
  185. cb_AddString
  186. cb_DeleteString
  187. cb_Dir
  188. cb_Err
  189. cb_ErrSpace
  190. cb_FindString
  191. cb_GetCount
  192. cb_GetCurSel
  193. cb_GetEditSel
  194. cb_GetItemData
  195. cb_GetLBText
  196. cb_GetLBTextLen
  197. cb_InsertString
  198. cb_LimitText
  199. cb_Okay
  200. cb_ResetContent
  201. cb_SelectString
  202. cb_SetCurSel
  203. cb_SetEditSel
  204. cb_SetItemData
  205. cb_ShowDropDown
  206. cchDeviceName
  207. cc_Chord
  208. cc_Circles
  209. cc_Ellipses
  210. cc_Interiors
  211. cc_None
  212. cc_Pie
  213. cc_Styled
  214. cc_Wide
  215. cc_WideStyled
  216. ce_Break
  217. ce_CTSTO
  218. ce_DNS
  219. ce_DSRTO
  220. ce_Frame
  221. ce_IOE
  222. ce_Mode
  223. ce_OOP
  224. ce_Overrun
  225. ce_PTO
  226. ce_RLSDTO
  227. ce_RXOver
  228. ce_RXParity
  229. ce_TXFull
  230. cfFormat
  231. cf_Bitmap
  232. cf_DIB
  233. cf_DIF
  234. cf_DSPBitmap
  235. cf_DSPMetaFilePict
  236. cf_DSPText
  237. cf_MetaFilePict
  238. cf_OEMText
  239. cf_OwnerDisplay
  240. cf_Palette
  241. cf_PrivateFirst
  242. cf_PrivateLast
  243. cf_SYLK
  244. cf_Text
  245. cf_TIFF
  246. CH
  247. ChangeClipboardChain
  248. ChangeMenu
  249. ChangeSelector
  250. CHAR
  251. ChDir
  252. Check
  253. CheckBreak
  254. CheckDlgButton
  255. CheckEOF
  256. CheckMenuItem
  257. CheckRadioButton
  258. ChildList
  259. ChildMenuPos
  260. ChildWindowFromPoint
  261. ChildWithID
  262. chord
  263. Chr
  264. Circle
  265. CL
  266. CLC
  267. CLD
  268. ClearCommBreak
  269. ClearList
  270. ClearModify
  271. CLI
  272. ClientAttr
  273. ClientToScreen
  274. ClientWnd
  275. ClipCaps
  276. ClipCursor
  277. clip_Character_Precis
  278. clip_Default_Precis
  279. clip_Stroke_Precis
  280. Clip_To_Path
  281. Close
  282. CloseChildren
  283. CloseClipboard
  284. CloseComm
  285. CloseFunc
  286. CloseMetaFile
  287. CloseSound
  288. CloseWindow
  289. ClrDTR
  290. ClrEol
  291. ClrRTS
  292. ClrScr
  293. cltcolor_Dlg
  294. CMArrangeIcons
  295. CMCascadeChildren
  296. CMCloseChildren
  297. CMCreateChild
  298. CmdLine
  299. CmdShow
  300. CMEditClear
  301. CMEditCopy
  302. CMEditCut
  303. CMEditDelete
  304. CMEditPaste
  305. CMEditUndo
  306. CMP
  307. cmpaper_DSheet
  308. CMPSB
  309. CMPSW
  310. CMTileChildren
  311. cm_ArraangeIcons
  312. cm_CascadeChildren
  313. cm_CloseChildren
  314. cm_Count
  315. cm_EditClear
  316. cm_EditCopy
  317. cm_EditCut
  318. cm_EditDelete
  319. cm_EditUndo
  320. cm_EitPaste
  321. cm_FileNew
  322. cm_FileOpen
  323. cm_FileSave
  324. cm_FileSaveAs
  325. cm_First
  326. cm_Internal
  327. cm_MDIFileNew
  328. cm_MDIFileOpen
  329. cm_Reserved
  330. cm_TileChildren
  331. coIndexError
  332. ColorOnColor
  333. ColorRes
  334. color_ActiveBorder
  335. color_ActiveCaption
  336. color_AppWorkSpace
  337. color_Background
  338. color_BtnFace
  339. color_BtnShadow
  340. color_BtnText
  341. color_CaptionText
  342. color_GrayText
  343. color_HighLight
  344. color_HighLightText
  345. color_InactiveBorder
  346. color_InactiveCaption
  347. color_Menu
  348. color_MenuText
  349. color_ScrollBar
  350. color_Window
  351. color_WindowFrame
  352. color_WindowText
  353. CombineRgn
  354. COMP
  355. Compare
  356. ComplexRegion
  357. comRlsdHold
  358. com_CtsHold
  359. com_DsrHold
  360. com_Eof
  361. com_Txim
  362. com_XoffHold
  363. com_XoffSent
  364. Concat
  365. CONST
  367. coOverflow
  368. Copy
  369. CopyFrom
  370. CopyMetaFile
  371. CopyRect
  372. Cos
  373. Count
  374. CountClipboardFormats
  375. CountVoiceNotes
  376. cp_None
  377. cp_Rectangle
  378. Create
  379. CreateBitmap
  380. CreateBitmapIndirect
  381. CreateBrushIndirect
  382. CreateCaret
  383. CreateChild
  384. CreateCompatibleBitmap
  385. CreateCompatibleDC
  386. CreateCursor
  387. CreateDC
  388. CreateDialog
  389. CreateDialogIndirect
  390. CreateDialogIndirectParam
  391. CreateDialogParam
  392. CreateDIBitmap
  393. CreateDIBPatternBrush
  394. CreateDir
  395. CreateDiscardableBitmap
  396. CreateEllipticRgn
  397. CreateEllipticRgnIndirect
  398. CreateFont
  399. CreateFontIndirect
  400. CreateHatchBrush
  401. CreateIC
  402. CreateIcon
  403. CreateMenu
  404. CreateMetaFile
  405. CreatePalette
  406. CreatePatternBrush
  407. CreatePen
  408. CreatePenIndirect
  409. CreatePolygonRgn
  410. CreatePolyPolygonRgn
  411. CreatePopupMenu
  412. CreateRectRgn
  413. CreateRectRgnIndirect
  414. CreateRoundRectRgn
  415. CreateSolidBrush
  416. CreateWindow
  417. CreateWindowEx
  418. CS
  419. CSeg
  420. cs_ByteAlignClient
  421. cs_ByteAlignWondow
  422. cs_ClassDC
  423. cs_DblClks
  424. cs_GlobalClass
  425. cs_HRedraw
  426. cs_NoClose
  427. cs_OwnDC
  428. cs_ParentDC
  429. cs_SaveBits
  430. cs_VRedraw
  431. ctlcolor_Btn
  432. ctlcolor_Edit
  433. ctlcolor_ListBox
  434. ctlcolor_Max
  435. ctlcolor_MsgBox
  436. ctlcolor_ScrollBar
  437. ctlcolor_Static
  438. CtlID
  439. CtlType
  440. CtsTimeout
  441. Cursor
  442. CursorTo
  443. CurveCaps
  444. Cut
  445. cw_UseDefault
  446. CX
  447. dcb_Binary
  448. dcb_ChEvt
  449. dcb_DtrDisable
  450. dcb_DtrFlow
  451. dcb_InX
  452. dcb_Null
  453. dcb_OutX
  454. dcb_OutxCtsFlow
  455. dcb_OutxDsrFlow
  456. dcb_Parity
  457. dcb_PeChar
  458. dcb_RtsDisable
  459. dcb_Rtsflow
  460. dc_Bins
  461. dc_Driver
  462. dc_Duplex
  463. dc_Extra
  464. dc_Fields
  465. dc_MaxExtent
  466. dc_MinExtent
  467. dc_Papers
  468. dc_Papersize
  469. dc_Size
  470. dc_Version
  471. dde_Ack
  472. dde_AckReq
  473. dde_AppReturnCode
  474. dde_Busy
  475. dde_DeferUpdt
  476. dde_Release
  477. dde_Response
  478. DebugBreak
  479. Dec
  480. DefaultProc
  481. Default_Palette
  482. Default_Pitch
  483. Default_Quality
  484. DefChildProc
  485. DefCommandProc
  486. DefDlgProc
  487. DeferWindowPos
  488. DefFrameProc
  489. DefHookProc
  490. DefineHandleTable
  491. DefMDIChildProc
  492. DefNotificationProc
  493. DefScrollProc
  494. DefWindowProc
  495. DefWndProc
  496. Delete
  497. DeleteAll
  498. DeleteAtom
  499. DeleteDC
  500. DeleteLine
  501. DeleteMenu
  502. DeleteMetaFile
  503. DeleteObject
  504. DeleteSelection
  505. DeleteString
  506. DeleteSubText
  507. Delta
  508. DeltaPos
  509. Destroy
  510. DestroyCaret
  511. DestroyCursor
  512. DestroyIcon
  513. DestroyMenu
  514. DestroyWindow
  516. DeviceData
  517. Devide_Default_Font
  518. DH
  519. DI
  520. DialogBox
  521. DialogBoxIndirect
  522. DialogBoxIndirectParam
  523. DialogBoxParam
  524. DIB_Pal_Colors
  525. DIB_RGB_Colors
  526. DisableAutoCreate
  527. DisableTransfer
  528. DiskFree
  529. DiskSize
  530. DispatchMessage
  531. DispatchScroll
  532. Dispose
  533. DisposeStr
  534. DIV
  535. DkGray_Brush
  536. DL
  537. dlgc_Button
  538. dlgc_DefPushButton
  539. dlgc_HasSetSel
  540. dlgc_RadioButton
  541. dlgc_UndefPushButton
  542. dlgc_WantAllKeys
  543. dlgc_WantArrows
  544. dlgc_WantChars
  545. dlgc_WantMessage
  546. dlgc_WantTab
  547. DlgDirList
  548. DlgDirListComboBox
  549. DlgDirSelect
  550. DlgDirSelectComboBox
  551. DlgWindowExtra
  552. dmbin_Auto
  553. dmbin_Cassette
  554. dmbin_Envelope
  555. dmbin_EnvManual
  556. dmbin_LargeCapacity
  557. dmbin_LargeFmt
  558. dmbin_Lower
  559. dmbin_Manual
  560. dmbin_Middle
  561. dmbin_OnlyOne
  562. dmbin_SmallFmt
  563. dmbin_Tractor
  564. dmbin_Upper
  565. dmcolor_Color
  566. dmcolor_Monochrome
  567. dmdup_Horizontal
  568. dmdup_Simplex
  569. dmdup_Vertical
  570. dmorient_Landscape
  571. dmorient_Portrait
  572. dmpaper_10X14
  573. dmpaper_11X17
  574. dmpaper_A3
  575. dmpaper_A4
  576. dmpaper_A4Small
  577. dmpaper_A5
  578. dmpaper_B4
  579. dmpaper_B5
  580. dmpaper_CSheet
  581. dmpaper_Env_10
  582. dmpaper_Env_11
  583. dmpaper_Env_12
  584. dmpaper_Env_14
  585. dmpaper_Env_9
  586. dmpaper_ESheet
  587. dmpaper_Executive
  588. dmpaper_Folio
  589. dmpaper_Ledger
  590. dmpaper_Legal
  591. dmpaper_Letter
  592. dmpaper_LetterSmall
  593. dmpaper_Note
  594. dmpaper_Quarto
  595. dmpaper_Statement
  596. dmpaper_Tabloid
  597. dmres_Draft
  598. dmres_High
  599. dmres_Low
  600. dmres_Medium
  601. dm_Color
  602. dm_Copies
  603. dm_Copy
  604. dm_DefaultSource
  605. dm_Duplex
  606. dm_GetDefID
  607. dm_Modify
  608. dm_Orientation
  609. dm_PaperLength
  610. dm_PaperSize
  611. dm_PaperWidth
  612. dm_PrintQuality
  613. dm_Prompt
  614. dm_Scale
  615. dm_SetDefID
  616. dm_Update
  617. DO
  618. DONE
  619. DoneWinCrt
  620. DOS3Call
  621. DosError
  622. DosVersion
  623. DOUBLE
  624. DOWNTO
  625. DPtoLP
  626. DraftMode
  627. Draft_Quality
  628. DrawFocusRect
  629. DrawIcon
  630. DrawMenuBar
  631. DrawPatternRect
  632. DrawText
  633. DriverVersion
  634. drive_Fixed
  635. drive_Remote
  636. drive_Removeable
  637. DS
  638. DSeg
  639. DsrTimeout
  640. DstInvert
  641. ds_AbsAlign
  642. ds_LocalEdit
  643. ds_ModalFrame
  644. ds_NoIdleMsg
  645. ds_SetFont
  646. ds_SysModal
  647. dt_Bottom
  648. dt_CalcRect
  649. dt_Center
  650. dt_CharStream
  651. dt_DispFile
  652. dt_ExpandTabs
  653. dt_ExternalLeading
  654. dt_Left
  655. dt_MetaFile
  656. dt_NoClip
  657. dt_NoPrefix
  658. dt_Plotter
  659. dt_RasCamera
  660. dt_RasDisplay
  661. dt_RasPrinter
  662. dt_Right
  663. dt_SingleLine
  664. dt_TabStop
  665. dt_Top
  666. dt_VCenter
  667. dt_WordBreak
  668. Duplicates
  669. dwExStyle
  670. DX
  671. Ellipse
  672. ELSE
  673. EmptyClipboard
  674. EmsCurHandle
  675. EmsCurPage
  676. em_CanUndo
  677. em_EmptyUndoBuffer
  678. em_FmtLines
  679. em_GetHandle
  680. em_GetLine
  681. em_GetLineCount
  682. em_GetModify
  683. em_GetRect
  684. em_GetSel
  685. em_InvalidChild
  686. em_InvalidClient
  687. em_InvalidMainWindow
  688. em_InvalidWindow
  689. em_LimitText
  690. em_LineFromChar
  691. em_LineIndex
  692. em_LineLength
  693. em_LineScroll
  694. em_OutOfMemory
  695. em_ReplaceSel
  696. em_SetHandle
  697. em_SetModify
  698. em_SetPasswordChar
  699. em_SetRect
  700. em_SetRectNP
  701. em_SetSel
  702. em_SetTabStops
  703. em_SetWordBreak
  704. em_Undo
  705. EnableAutoCreate
  706. EnableDuplex
  707. EnableHardwareInput
  708. EnableKbHandler
  709. EnableMenuItem
  710. EnablePairKerning
  711. EnableRelativeWidths
  712. EnableTransfer
  713. EnableWindow
  714. END
  715. EndDeferWindowPos
  716. EndDialog
  717. EndDlg
  718. EndDoc
  719. EndPaint
  720. EndView
  721. End_Path
  722. EnterCancel
  723. EnterOk
  724. EnumChildWindows
  725. EnumClipboardFormats
  726. EnumFonts
  727. EnumMetaFile
  728. EnumObjects
  729. EnumPaperBins
  730. EnumPaperMetrics
  731. EnumProps
  732. EnumTaskWindows
  733. EnumWindows
  734. en_Change
  735. en_ErrSpace
  736. en_HScroll
  737. en_KillFocus
  738. en_MaxText
  739. en_SetFocus
  740. en_Update
  741. en_VScroll
  742. Eof
  743. EofChar
  744. EoLn
  745. EPSPrinting
  746. EqualRect
  747. EqualRgn
  748. Erase
  749. Error
  750. ErrorAdr
  751. ErrorInfo
  752. ES
  753. Escape
  754. EscapeCommFunction
  755. es_AutoHScroll
  756. es_AutoVScroll
  757. es_Center
  758. es_Left
  759. es_LowerCase
  760. es_MultiLine
  761. es_NoHideSel
  762. es_OEMConvert
  763. es_Password
  764. es_Right
  765. es_UpperCase
  766. eto_Clipped
  767. eto_Opaque
  768. EvenParity
  769. Evtchar
  770. ev_Break
  771. ev_CTS
  772. ev_DSR
  773. ev_Err
  774. ev_PErr
  775. ev_Ring
  776. ev_RLSD
  777. ev_RXChar
  778. ev_RXFlag
  779. ev_TXEmpty
  780. ExcludeClipRect
  781. ExcludeUpdateRgn
  782. ExecDialog
  783. Execute
  784. EXIT
  785. ExitCode
  786. ExitProc
  787. ExitWindows
  788. Exp
  789. EXPORT
  790. EXPORTS
  791. ExStyle
  794. ExtFloodFill
  795. ExtTextOut
  796. Ext_Device_Caps
  797. faAnyFile
  798. faArchive
  799. fAckReq
  800. faDirectory
  801. faHidden
  802. FAIL
  803. FALSE
  804. FAR
  805. faReadOnly
  806. faSysFile
  807. FatalAppExit
  808. FatalExit
  809. fAuxiliary
  810. faVolumeID
  811. fBinary
  812. fCarry
  813. fcDirectory
  814. fcExtension
  815. fcFileName
  816. fChEvt
  817. fCtsHold
  818. fcWildcards
  819. fDeferUpdt
  820. fDsrHold
  821. fDtrDisable
  822. fDtrFlow
  823. fEof
  824. fErase
  825. FExpand
  826. fFixedDisk
  827. ff_Decorative
  828. ff_DontCare
  829. ff_Modern
  830. ff_Roman
  831. ff_Script
  832. ff_Swiss
  833. FILE
  834. FileExpand
  835. FileMode
  836. FilePos
  837. FileSearch
  838. FileSize
  839. FileSplit
  840. Fill
  841. FillChar
  842. FillRect
  843. Fillrgn
  844. fIncUpdate
  845. FindAtom
  846. FindFirst
  847. FindNext
  848. FindResource
  849. FindWindow
  850. fInX
  851. FirstThat
  852. Fixed_Pitch
  853. Flags
  854. FlashWindow
  855. FloodFill
  856. FloodFillBorder
  857. FloodFillSurface
  858. Flush
  859. FlushComm
  860. FlushOutput
  861. fmClosed
  862. fmInOut
  863. fmInput
  864. fmOutPut
  865. fNull
  866. FocusChildHandle
  867. FOR
  868. ForEach
  869. FORWARD
  870. fOutX
  871. fOutxCtsFlow
  872. fOutxDsrFlow
  873. fOverflow
  874. fParity
  875. fPeChar
  876. Frac
  877. FrameRect
  878. FrameRgn
  879. Free
  880. FreeAll
  881. FreeItem
  882. FreeLibrary
  883. FreeMem
  884. FreeModule
  885. FreeMultiSel
  886. FreeProcInstance
  887. FreeResource
  888. FreeSelector
  889. fRelease
  890. fResponse
  891. fRestore
  892. fRlsdHold
  893. fRtsDisable
  894. fRtsFlow
  895. fsDirectory
  896. FSearch
  897. fsExtension
  898. fsFileName
  899. fSign
  900. fsPathName
  901. FSplit
  902. fTxim
  904. fw_Black
  905. fw_Bold
  906. fw_DemiBold
  907. fw_DontCare
  908. fw_ExtraBold
  909. fw_ExtraKight
  910. fw_Heavy
  911. fw_Light
  912. fw_Medium
  913. fw_Normal
  914. fw_Regular
  915. fw_SemiBold
  916. fw_Thin
  917. fw_UltraBold
  918. fw_UltraLight
  919. fXoffHold
  920. fXoffSent
  921. fZero
  922. gcl_MenuName
  923. gcl_WndProc
  924. gcw_CBClsExtra
  925. gcw_CBWndExtra
  926. gcw_HCursor
  927. gcw_HIcon
  928. gcw_HModule
  929. gcw_Style
  930. GDIExtTextOut
  931. GDIStretchBlt
  932. Get
  933. GetActiveWindow
  934. GetArgCount
  935. GetArgStr
  936. GetAspectRatioFilter
  937. GetAsyncKeyState
  938. GetAtomHandle
  939. GetAtomName
  940. GetBitmapBits
  941. GetBitmapDimension
  942. GetBkColor
  943. GetBkMode
  944. GetBrushOrg
  945. GetBValue
  946. GetCapture
  947. GetCaretBlinkTime
  948. GetCaretPos
  949. GetCBreak
  950. GetCharWidth
  951. GetCheck
  952. GetChildPtr
  953. GetClassInfo
  954. GetClassLong
  955. GetClassName
  956. GetClassWord
  957. GetClient
  958. GetClientRect
  959. GetClipboardData
  960. GetClipboardFormatName
  961. GetClipboardOwner
  962. GetClipboardViewer
  963. GetClipBox
  964. GetCodeHandle
  965. GetCodeInfo
  966. GetColorTable
  967. GetCommError
  968. GetCommEventMask
  969. GetCommState
  970. GetCount
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  972. GetCurrentPDB
  973. GetCurrentPosition
  974. GetCurrentTask
  975. GetCurrentTime
  976. GetCursorPos
  977. GetDate
  978. GetDC
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  980. GetDesktopWindow
  981. GetDeviceCaps
  982. GetDialogBaseUnits
  983. GetDIBits
  984. GetDir
  985. GetDlgCtrlID
  986. GetDlgItem
  987. GetDlgItemInt
  988. GetDlgItemText
  989. GetDOSEnvironment
  990. GetDoubleClickTime
  991. GetDriveType
  992. GetEnvironment
  993. GetEnvVar
  994. GetExtendedTextMetrics
  995. GetExtentTable
  996. GetFAttr
  997. GetFocus
  998. GetFreeSpace
  999. GetFTime
  1000. GetGValue
  1001. GetID
  1002. GetInputState
  1003. GetInstanceData
  1004. GetIntVec
  1005. GetItem
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  1007. GetKBCodePage
  1008. GetKeyboardState
  1009. GetKeyboardType
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  1011. GetKeyState
  1012. GetLastActivePopup
  1013. GetLine
  1014. GetLineFromPos
  1015. GetLineIndex
  1016. GetLineLength
  1017. GetMapMode
  1018. GetMem
  1019. GetMenu
  1020. GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions
  1021. GetMenuItemCount
  1022. GetMenuItemID
  1023. GetMenuState
  1024. GetMenuString
  1025. GetMessage
  1026. GetMessagePos
  1027. GetMessageTime
  1028. GetMetaFile
  1029. GetMetaFileBits
  1030. GetModuleFileName
  1031. GetModuleHandle
  1032. GetModulUsage
  1033. GetNearestColor
  1034. GetNearestPaletteIndex
  1035. GetNextDlgGroupItem
  1036. GetNextDlgTabItem
  1037. GetNextWindow
  1038. GetNumLines
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  1040. GetObject
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  1042. GetPaletteEntries
  1043. GetParent
  1044. GetPhysPageSize
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  1048. GetPosition
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  1052. GetPrivateProfileString
  1053. GetProcAddress
  1054. GetProfileInt
  1055. GetProfileString
  1056. GetProp
  1057. GetRange
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  1059. GetROP2
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  1061. GetScalingFactor
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  1066. GetSelString
  1067. GetSetPaperBins
  1068. GetSetPaperMetrics
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  1070. GetSiblingPtr
  1071. GetSize
  1072. GetStockObject
  1073. GetStretchBitMode
  1074. GetString
  1075. GetStringLen
  1076. GetsubMenu
  1077. GetSubText
  1078. GetSysColor
  1079. GetSysModalWindow
  1080. GetSystemDirectory
  1081. GetSystemMenu
  1082. GetSystemMetrics
  1083. GetSystemPaletteEntries
  1084. GetSystemPaletteUse
  1085. GetTabbedTextExtent
  1086. GetTechnology
  1087. GetTempDrive
  1088. GetTempFileName
  1089. GetTextAlign
  1090. GetTextCharacterExtra
  1091. GetTextColor
  1092. GetTextExtent
  1093. GetTextFace
  1094. GetTextMetrics
  1095. GetThresholdEvent
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  1097. GetTickCount
  1098. GetTime
  1099. GetTopWindow
  1100. GetTrackKernTable
  1101. GetUpdateRect
  1102. GetUpdateRgn
  1103. GetVectorBrushSize
  1104. GetVectorPenSize
  1105. GetVerify
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  1107. GetViewportExt
  1108. GetViewportOrg
  1109. GetWindow
  1110. GetWindowClass
  1111. GetWindowDC
  1112. GetWindowDirectory
  1113. GetWindowExt
  1114. GetWindowLong
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  1116. GetWindowRect
  1117. GetWindowTask
  1118. GetWindowText
  1119. GetWindowTextLenght
  1120. GetWindowWord
  1121. GetWinFlags
  1122. GlboalRUOldest
  1123. GlobalAddAtom
  1124. GlobalAlloc
  1125. GlobalCompact
  1126. GlobalDeleteAtom
  1127. GlobalDiscard
  1128. GlobalDosAlloc
  1129. GlobalDosFree
  1130. GlobalFindAtom
  1131. GlobalFix
  1132. GlobalFlags
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  1134. GlobalGetAtomName
  1135. GlobalHandle
  1136. GlobalLock
  1137. GlobalNotify
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  1161. GOTO
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  1163. GrayString
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  1179. HALT
  1180. handle
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  1182. HasVScrollBar
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  1189. HeapError
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  1237. htNoWhere
  1238. htReduce
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  1241. htSysMenu
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  1243. htTopLeft
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  1247. htZoom
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  1249. HWnd
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  1257. idc_SizeNWSE
  1258. idc_SizeWE
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  1282. ie_ByteSize
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  1288. IF
  1290. IN
  1291. InactiveTitle
  1292. Inc
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  1295. INIT
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  1299. InitClientWindow
  1300. InitInstance
  1301. InitMainWindow
  1302. InitResource
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  1304. INLINE
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  1307. InSendMessage
  1308. Insert
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  1310. InsertString
  1311. Instance
  1312. Int
  1313. INTEGER
  1316. IntersectClipRect
  1317. IntersectRect
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  1323. IOResult
  1324. IsCharAlpha
  1325. IsCharAlphaNumeric
  1326. IsCharLower
  1327. IsCharUpper
  1328. IsChild
  1329. IsClipboardFormatAvailable
  1330. IsDialogMessage
  1331. IsDlgButtonChecked
  1332. IsFlagSet
  1333. IsHorizontal
  1334. IsIconic
  1335. IsModal
  1336. IsModified
  1337. IsMultiline
  1338. IsRectEmpty
  1339. IsVisibleRect
  1340. IsWindow
  1341. IsWindowEnabled
  1342. IsWindowVisible
  1343. IsZoomed
  1344. itemAction
  1345. itemData
  1346. itemData1
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  1350. itemID2
  1351. Items
  1352. itemState
  1353. JA
  1354. JB
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  1356. JCXZ
  1357. JE
  1358. JG
  1359. JL
  1360. JMP
  1361. JNA
  1362. JNB
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  1365. JNG
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  1367. JNZ
  1368. JZ
  1369. KBHandlerWnd
  1370. KeyOf
  1371. KeyPressed
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  1373. LABEL
  1374. LastThat
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  1399. lb_Err
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  1402. lb_GetCount
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  1404. lb_GetHorizontalExtent
  1405. lb_GetItemData
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  1407. lb_GetSel
  1408. lb_GetSelCount
  1409. lb_GetSelItemS
  1410. lb_GetText
  1411. lb_GetTextLen
  1412. lb_GetTopIndex
  1413. lb_InsertString
  1414. lb_Okay
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  1417. lb_SelItemRange
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  1467. Ln
  1468. Lo
  1469. Load
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  1471. LoadBitmap
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  1473. LoadIcon
  1474. LoadLibrary
  1475. LoadMenu
  1476. LoadMenuIndirect
  1477. LoadModule
  1478. LoadResource
  1479. LoadString
  1480. LoByte
  1481. LocalAlloc
  1482. LocalCompact
  1483. LocalDiscard
  1484. LocalFlags
  1485. LocalFree
  1486. LocalHandle
  1487. LocalInit
  1488. LocalLock
  1489. LocalReAlloc
  1490. LocalShrink
  1491. LocalSize
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  1494. LockResource
  1495. LockSegment
  1496. LODSB
  1497. LODSW
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  1499. LogPixelsY
  1500. LongBool
  1501. LongDiv
  1502. LongInt
  1503. LongMul
  1504. LongRec
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  1507. LOOPNE
  1508. LOOPNZ
  1509. LOOPZ
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  1515. lParam
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  1520. LPHandle
  1521. lpszClass
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  1523. lpszMenuName
  1524. lpszName
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  1527. lstrcat
  1528. lstrcmp
  1529. lstrcmpi
  1530. lstrcpy
  1531. lstrlen
  1532. LtGray_Brush
  1533. MainWindow
  1534. MakeIntAtom
  1535. MakeIntResource
  1536. MakeLong
  1537. MakeProcInstance
  1538. MakeWindow
  1539. MapDialogRect
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  1566. mb_SystemModal
  1567. mb_TaskModal
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  1571. Mem
  1572. MemAlloc
  1573. MemAvail
  1574. MemL
  1575. MemW
  1576. MergeCopy
  1577. MergePaint
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  1579. MessageBox
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  1589. meta_CreateFontIndirect
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  1685. mm_TWIPS
  1686. MOD
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  1689. MOV
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  1693. MsDos
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  1697. mtHeaderSize
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  1700. mtNoParameters
  1701. mtSize
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  1705. MulDiv
  1706. Name
  1707. NEAR
  1708. nErrCode
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  1710. New
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  1718. NIL
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  1723. NotSrcErase
  1724. NullRegion
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  1726. Null_Pen
  1727. NumBrushes
  1728. NumColors
  1729. NumFonts
  1730. NumMarkers
  1731. NumPens
  1732. NumReserved
  1733. OBJECT
  1734. ObjType
  1735. obj_Brush
  1736. obj__Pen
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  1742. obm_Combo
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  1753. obm_Old_UpArrow
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  1761. obm_Size
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  1763. obm_UpArrowD
  1764. obm_Zoom
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  1766. obm__DnArrowD
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  1777. odt_Button
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  1779. odt_ListBox
  1780. odt_Menu
  1781. OemKeyScan
  1782. OemToAnsi
  1783. OemToAnsiBuff
  1784. OEM_CharSet
  1785. OEM_Fixed_Font
  1786. OF
  1787. OffsetClipRgn
  1788. OffsetRect
  1789. OffsetRgn
  1790. OffsetViewportOrg
  1791. OffsetWindowOrg
  1792. Ofs
  1793. of_Cancel
  1794. of_Create
  1795. of_Delete
  1796. of_Exist
  1797. of_Parse
  1798. of_Prompt
  1799. of_Read
  1800. of_ReadWrite
  1801. of_Reopen
  1802. of_Share_Compat
  1803. of_Share_Deny_None
  1804. of_Share_Deny_Read
  1805. of_Share_Deny_Write
  1806. of_Share_Exclusive
  1807. of_Verify
  1808. of_Write
  1809. Ok
  1810. One5StopBit
  1811. OneStopBit
  1812. Opaque
  1813. OpenClipboard
  1814. OpenComm
  1815. OpenFile
  1816. OpenIcon
  1817. OpenSound
  1818. OR
  1819. Ord
  1820. Origin
  1821. OutOfMemory
  1822. OutputDebugString
  1823. Out_Character_Precis
  1824. Out_Default_Precis
  1825. Pack
  1826. PACKED
  1827. PackTime
  1828. PageCount
  1829. PageMagnitude
  1830. Paint
  1831. PaintRgn
  1832. PaletteIndex
  1833. PaletteRGB
  1834. palNumentries
  1835. palPalEntry
  1836. palVersion
  1837. PApplication
  1838. ParamCount
  1839. ParamStr
  1840. Parent
  1841. Parity
  1842. PassThrough
  1843. Paste
  1844. PatBlt
  1845. PatCopy
  1846. PatInvert
  1847. PBool
  1848. PBufStream
  1849. PByte
  1850. PChar
  1851. PCheckBox
  1852. PCollection
  1853. PComboBox
  1854. PControl
  1855. pc_Explicit
  1856. pc_Interiors
  1857. pc_NoCollapse
  1858. pc_None
  1859. pc_Polygon
  1860. pc_Rectangle
  1861. pc_Reserved
  1862. pc_ScanLine
  1863. pc_Styled
  1864. pc_Trapezoid
  1865. pc_Wide
  1866. pc_WideStyled
  1867. pc_WindPolygon
  1868. PDeviceSize
  1869. PDialog
  1870. PDlgWindow
  1871. PDosStream
  1872. peBlue
  1873. PeChar
  1874. PEdit
  1875. PeekMessage
  1876. peFlags
  1877. peGreen
  1878. PEmsStream
  1879. peRed
  1880. PFileRecFlushFunc
  1881. PGroupBox
  1882. PHandle
  1883. Pi
  1884. Pie
  1885. PInteger
  1886. Planes
  1887. PlayMetaFile
  1888. PlayMetaFileRecord
  1889. PListBox
  1890. PListBoxXferRec
  1891. PLongInt
  1892. PMDIClient
  1893. PMDIWindow
  1894. PMultiListXferRec
  1895. PMultiSelRec
  1896. pm_NoRemove
  1897. pm_NoYield
  1898. pm_Remove
  1899. PObject
  1900. POINTER
  1901. Polygon
  1902. PolygonalCaps
  1903. PolyLine
  1904. PolyPolygon
  1905. POP
  1906. Port
  1907. PortW
  1908. Pos
  1909. Position
  1910. PostAppMessage
  1911. PostMessage
  1912. PostQuitMessage
  1913. PRadioButton
  1914. Pred
  1915. PrefixSeg
  1916. Previous
  1917. PRIVATE
  1919. ProcessAccels
  1920. ProcessAppMsg
  1921. ProcessDlgMsg
  1922. ProcessMDIAccels
  1923. proc_DeviceCapabilities
  1924. proc_ExtDeviceMode
  1925. proc_OldDeviceMode
  1926. PROGRAM
  1927. Proof_Quality
  1928. pr_JobStatus
  1929. PScrollBar
  1930. PScroller
  1931. PSortedCollection
  1932. PStatic
  1933. PStr
  1934. PStrCollection
  1935. PStream
  1936. ps_Dash
  1937. ps_DashDot
  1938. ps_DashDotDot
  1939. ps_Dot
  1940. ps_InsideFrame
  1941. ps_Null
  1942. ps_Solid
  1943. PTextBuf
  1944. PTextRec
  1945. PtInRect
  1946. PtInRegion
  1947. Ptr
  1948. PtrRec
  1949. PtVisible
  1950. PUSH
  1951. Put
  1952. PutChildPtr
  1953. PutItem
  1954. PutSiblingPtr
  1955. PWindow
  1956. PWindowsObject
  1957. PWord
  1958. QueryEscSupport
  1959. r2_Black
  1960. r2_CopyPen
  1961. r2_MaskNotPen
  1962. r2_MaskPen
  1963. r2_MaskPenNot
  1964. r2_MergeNotPen
  1965. r2_MergePen
  1966. r2_MergePenNot
  1967. r2_NOP
  1968. r2_Not
  1969. r2_NotCopyPen
  1970. r2_NotMaskPen
  1971. r2_NotMergePen
  1972. r2_NotXORPen
  1973. r2_White
  1974. r2_XORPen
  1975. Random
  1976. Randomize
  1977. RandSeed
  1978. RasterCaps
  1979. rcItem
  1980. RCL
  1981. rcPaint
  1982. RCR
  1983. rc_Banding
  1984. rc_BigFont
  1985. rc_BitBlt
  1986. rc_Bitmap64
  1987. rc_DIBToDev
  1988. rc_Di_Bitmap
  1989. rc_FloodFill
  1990. rc_GDI20_Output
  1991. rc_Palette
  1992. rc_Scaling
  1993. rc_StretchBlt
  1994. rc_StretchDIB
  1995. rdFunction
  1996. rdParam
  1997. rdSize
  1998. Read
  1999. ReadBuf
  2000. ReadComm
  2001. ReadKey
  2002. ReadLn
  2003. ReadStr
  2004. REAL
  2005. RealizePalette
  2006. RECORD
  2007. RecSize
  2008. Rectangle
  2009. RectInRegion
  2010. RectVisible
  2011. Register
  2012. RegisterClass
  2013. RegisterClipboardFormat
  2015. RegisterType
  2016. RegisterWindowMessage
  2017. ReleaseCapture
  2018. ReleaseDC
  2019. RemoveDir
  2020. RemoveFontResource
  2021. RemoveMenu
  2022. RemoveProp
  2023. Rename
  2024. REP
  2025. REPE
  2026. REPEAT
  2027. ReplyMessage
  2028. REPNE
  2029. REPNZ
  2030. REPZ
  2031. Reset
  2032. ResetDev
  2033. ResizePalette
  2034. RestoreDC
  2035. Restore_Ctm
  2036. Result
  2037. ResultHi
  2038. ResultLo
  2039. Rewrite
  2040. RGB
  2041. rgbBlue
  2042. rgbGreen
  2043. rgbRed
  2044. rgbReserved
  2045. rgbtBlue
  2046. rgbtGreen
  2047. rgbtRed
  2048. rgn_And
  2049. rgn_Copy
  2050. rgn_Diff
  2051. rgn_Or
  2052. rgn_Xor
  2053. RlsTimeout
  2054. RmDir
  2055. ROL
  2056. ROR
  2057. Round
  2058. RoundRect
  2059. rt_Accelerator
  2060. rt_Bitmap
  2061. rt_Cursor
  2062. rt_Dialog
  2063. rt_Font
  2064. rt_FontDir
  2065. rt_Icon
  2066. rt_Menu
  2067. rt_RCData
  2068. rt_String
  2069. Run
  2070. RunError
  2071. SafetyPoolSize
  2072. SaveDC
  2073. Save_Ctm
  2074. SBB
  2075. SBBottom
  2076. SBLineDown
  2077. SBLineUp
  2078. SBPageDown
  2079. SBPageUp
  2080. sbs_BottomAlign
  2081. sbs_Horz
  2082. sbs_LeftAlign
  2083. sbs_RightAlign
  2084. sbs_SizeBox
  2085. sbs_SizeBoxBottomRightAlign
  2086. sbs_SizeBoxTopLeftAlign
  2087. sbs_TopAlign
  2088. sbs_Vert
  2089. SBThumbPosition
  2090. SBThumbTrack
  2091. SBTop
  2092. sb_BOTH
  2093. sb_Bottom
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  2095. sb_EndScroll
  2096. sb_HORZ
  2097. sb_LineDown
  2098. sb_LineUp
  2099. sb_PageDown
  2100. sb_PageUp
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  2103. sb_Top
  2104. sb_VERT
  2105. ScaleViewportExt
  2106. ScaleWindowExt
  2107. ScreenSize
  2108. ScreenToClient
  2109. Scroll
  2110. ScrollBy
  2111. ScrollDC
  2112. Scroller
  2113. ScrollTo
  2114. ScrollWindow
  2115. sc_Close
  2116. sc_HScroll
  2117. sc_Icon
  2118. sc_KeyMenu
  2119. sc_Maximize
  2120. sc_Minimize
  2121. sc_MouseMenu
  2122. sc_Move
  2123. sc_NextWindow
  2124. sc_PrevWindow
  2125. sc_Restore
  2126. sc_Size
  2127. sc_TaskList
  2128. sc_VScroll
  2129. sc_Zoom
  2130. Search
  2132. Seek
  2133. SeekEof
  2134. SeekEoLn
  2135. Seg
  2136. SelectClipRgn
  2137. Selection
  2138. SelectionChanged
  2139. Selections
  2140. SelectObject
  2141. SelectPalette
  2142. SelectPaperSource
  2143. SELF
  2144. SendDlgItemMessage
  2145. SendDlgItemMsg
  2146. SendMessage
  2147. SET
  2148. SetAbortProc
  2149. SetActiveWindow
  2150. SetAllJustValues
  2151. SetBitmapBits
  2152. SetBitmapDimension
  2153. SetBkColor
  2154. SetBkMode
  2155. SetBrushOrg
  2156. SetCapture
  2157. SetCaretBlinkTime
  2158. SetCaretPos
  2159. SetCBreak
  2160. SetCheck
  2161. SetClassLong
  2162. SetClassWord
  2163. SetClipboardData
  2164. SetClipboardViewer
  2165. SetColorTable
  2166. SetCommBreak
  2167. SetCommEventMask
  2168. SetCommState
  2169. SetCopyCount
  2170. SetCurDir
  2171. SetCursor
  2172. SetCursorPos
  2173. SetDate
  2174. SetDIBits
  2175. SetDIBitsToDevice
  2176. SetDlgItemInt
  2177. SetDlgItemText
  2178. SetDoubleClickTime
  2179. SetDTR
  2180. SetEnvironment
  2181. SetErrorMode
  2182. SetFAttr
  2183. SetFlags
  2184. SetFocus
  2185. SetFTime
  2186. SetHandleCount
  2187. SetIntVec
  2188. SetKBHandler
  2189. SetKernTrack
  2190. SetKeyboardState
  2191. SetLimit
  2192. SetLineJoin
  2193. SetMapMode
  2194. SetMapperFlags
  2195. SetMenu
  2196. SetMenuItemBitmaps
  2197. SetMessageQueue
  2198. SetMetaFileBits
  2199. SetMiterLimit
  2200. SetPageSize
  2201. SetPaletteEntries
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  2203. SetPixel
  2204. SetPolyFillMode
  2205. SetPosition
  2206. SetProp
  2207. SetRange
  2208. SetRect
  2209. SetRectEmpty
  2210. SetRectRgn
  2211. SetResourceHandler
  2212. SetROP2
  2213. SetRTS
  2214. SetSBarRange
  2215. SetScrollPos
  2216. SetScrollRange
  2217. SetSelection
  2218. SetSelIndex
  2219. SetSelString
  2220. SetSoundNoise
  2221. SetStretchBltMode
  2222. SetSwapAreaSize
  2223. SetSysColors
  2224. SetSysModalWindow
  2225. SetSystemPaletteUse
  2226. SetTextAlign
  2227. SetTextBuf
  2228. SetTextCharacterExtra
  2229. SetTextColor
  2230. SetTextJustification
  2231. SetTextJustify
  2232. SetTime
  2233. SetTimer
  2234. SetUnits
  2235. SetupWindow
  2236. Setverify
  2237. SetViewportExt
  2238. SetViewportOrg
  2239. SetVoiceAccent
  2240. SetVoiceEnvelope
  2241. SetVoiceNote
  2242. SetVoiceQueueSize
  2243. SetVoiceSound
  2244. SetVoiceThreshold
  2245. SetWindowExt
  2246. SetWindowLong
  2247. SetWindowOrg
  2248. SetWindowPos
  2249. SetWindowsHook
  2250. SetWindowText
  2251. SetWindowWord
  2252. SetXOFF
  2253. SetXON
  2254. Set_Arc_Direction
  2255. Set_Background_Color
  2256. Set_Bounds
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  2258. Set_Poly_Mode
  2259. Set_Screen_Angle
  2260. Set_Spread
  2261. ShiftJIS_CharSet
  2262. SHL
  2263. ShortInt
  2264. Show
  2265. ShowCaret
  2266. ShowCursor
  2267. ShowList
  2268. ShowOwnedPopups
  2269. ShowScrollBar
  2270. ShowWindow
  2271. show_FullScreen
  2272. show_IconWindow
  2273. show_OpenNoActivate
  2274. show_OpenWindow
  2275. SHR
  2276. SI
  2277. SimpleRegion
  2278. Sin
  2279. SINGLE
  2280. Size
  2281. SizeFullScreen
  2282. SizeIconic
  2283. SizeNormal
  2284. SizeOf
  2285. SizeOfResource
  2286. SizePalette
  2287. SizeZoomHide
  2288. SizeZoomShow
  2289. sm_CXBorder
  2290. sm_CXCursor
  2291. sm_CXDlgFrame
  2292. sm_CXFrame
  2293. sm_CXFullScreen
  2294. sm_CXHScroll
  2295. sm_CXHThumb
  2296. sm_CXIcon
  2297. sm_CXMin
  2298. sm_CXMinTrack
  2299. sm_CXScreen
  2300. sm_CXVScroll
  2301. sm_CYBorder
  2302. sm_CYCaption
  2303. sm_CYCursor
  2304. sm_CYDlgFrame
  2305. sm_CYFrame
  2306. sm_CYFullScreen
  2307. sm_CYHScroll
  2308. sm_CYIcon
  2309. sm_CYKanjiWindow
  2310. sm_CYMenu
  2311. sm_CYMin
  2312. sm_CYMinTrack
  2313. sm_CYScreen
  2314. sm_CYSize
  2315. sm_CYVScroll
  2316. sm_CYVThumb
  2317. sm_Debug
  2318. sm_MousePresent
  2319. sm_SwapButton
  2320. SP
  2321. SpaceParity
  2322. SPtr
  2323. sp_AppAbort
  2324. sp_Error
  2325. sp_OutOfDisk
  2326. sp_OutOfMemory
  2327. sp_UserAbort
  2328. Sqr
  2329. Sqrt
  2330. SrcAnd
  2331. SrcCopy
  2332. SrcErase
  2333. SrcInvert
  2334. SrcPaint
  2335. SS
  2336. SSeg
  2337. ss_BlackFrame
  2338. ss_BlackRect
  2339. ss_Center
  2340. ss_GrayFrame
  2341. ss_GrayRect
  2342. ss_Icon
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  2344. ss_LeftNoWordWrap
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  2347. ss_Simple
  2348. ss_UserItem
  2349. ss_WhiteFrame
  2350. ss_WhiteRect
  2351. StartDoc
  2352. StartSound
  2353. Status
  2354. STC
  2355. stCreate
  2356. STD
  2357. stError
  2358. stGetError
  2359. STI
  2360. stInitError
  2361. stOk
  2362. StopBits
  2363. stOpenRead
  2364. stOpenStreamError
  2365. stOpenWrite
  2366. StopSound
  2367. Store
  2368. STOSB
  2369. STOSW
  2370. stPutError
  2371. Str
  2372. StrCat
  2373. StrComp
  2374. StrCopy
  2375. StrDispose
  2376. stReadError
  2377. StrECopy
  2378. StrEnd
  2379. StretchBlt
  2380. StretchDIBits
  2381. StrIComp
  2382. STRING
  2383. StrLCat
  2384. StrLComp
  2385. StrLCopy
  2386. StrLen
  2387. StrLIComp
  2388. StrLower
  2389. StrMove
  2390. StrNew
  2391. StrPas
  2392. StrPCopy
  2393. StrPos
  2394. StrRead
  2395. StrRScan
  2396. StrScan
  2397. StrUpper
  2398. StrWrite
  2399. stWriteError
  2400. Style
  2401. SUB
  2402. Succ
  2403. Swap
  2404. SwapMouseButton
  2405. SwapRecording
  2406. SwapVectors
  2407. SwitchStackBack
  2408. SwitchStackTo
  2409. swp_DrawFrame
  2410. swp_HideWindow
  2411. swp_NoActivate
  2412. swp_NoMove
  2413. swp_NoRedraw
  2414. swp_NoSize
  2415. swp_NoZOrder
  2416. swp_ShowWindow
  2417. sw_Hide
  2418. sw_Maximize
  2419. sw_Minimize
  2420. sw_Normal
  2421. sw_OtherUnzoom
  2422. sw_OtherZoom
  2423. sw_ParentClosing
  2424. sw_ParentOpening
  2425. sw_Restore
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  2427. sw_ShowMaximized
  2428. sw_ShowMinimized
  2429. sw_ShowMinNoActive
  2430. sw_ShowNA
  2431. sw_ShowNoActivate
  2432. sw_ShowNormal
  2433. Symbol_CharSet
  2434. SyncAllVoices
  2435. syspal_NoStatic
  2436. syspal_Static
  2437. System_Fixed_Font
  2438. System_Font
  2439. szClass
  2440. szKeyPhrase
  2441. szPathName
  2442. szTitle
  2443. s_AllThreshold
  2444. s_Legato
  2445. s_Normal
  2446. s_Period1024
  2447. s_Period2048
  2448. s_Period512
  2449. s_PeriodVoice
  2450. s_QueueEmpty
  2451. s_SerBDNT
  2452. s_SerDCC
  2453. s_SerDDR
  2454. s_SerDFQ
  2455. s_SerDLN
  2456. s_SerDMD
  2457. s_SerDSH
  2458. s_SerDSR
  2459. s_SerDST
  2460. s_SerDTP
  2461. s_SerDVL
  2462. s_SerDVNA
  2463. s_SerMACT
  2464. s_SerOFM
  2465. s_SerQFUL
  2466. s_Staccato
  2467. s_Threshold
  2468. s_White1024
  2469. s_White2048
  2470. s_White512
  2471. s_WhiteVoice
  2472. TabbedTextOut
  2473. TApplication
  2474. TAtom
  2475. ta_BaseLine
  2476. ta_Bottom
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  2480. ta_Right
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  2482. ta_UpdateCP
  2483. TBitmap
  2484. TBitmapCoreHeader
  2485. TBitmapCoreInfo
  2486. TBitmapFileHeader
  2487. TBitmapInfo
  2488. TBitmapInfoHeader
  2489. TBufStream
  2490. TButton
  2491. TByteArray
  2492. TCatchBuf
  2493. TCheckBox
  2494. TClientCreateStruct
  2495. TCollection
  2496. TColorRef
  2497. TComboBox
  2498. TCompareItemStruct
  2499. TComStat
  2500. TControl
  2501. TCreateStruct
  2502. tc_cp_Stroke
  2503. tc_cr-Any
  2504. tc_cr_90
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  2507. tc_op_Character
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  2514. tc_so_Able
  2515. tc_ua_Able
  2516. tc_va_Able
  2517. TDateTime
  2518. TDCB
  2519. TDDEAck
  2520. TDDEAdvise
  2521. TDDEData
  2522. TDDEPoke
  2523. TDeleteItemStruct
  2524. TDevMode
  2525. TDialog
  2526. TDialogAttr
  2527. TDlgWindow
  2528. TDosStream
  2529. TDrawItemStruct
  2530. Technology
  2531. TEdit
  2532. TEmsStream
  2533. TEST
  2534. TEXT
  2535. TextCaps
  2536. TextLen
  2537. TextOut
  2538. TFarProc
  2539. TFileRec
  2540. tf_ForceDrive
  2541. tf_GetData
  2542. tf_SetData
  2543. tf_SizeData
  2544. TGlobalHandle
  2545. TGroupBox
  2546. THandle
  2547. THandleTable
  2548. THEN
  2549. Throw
  2550. TileChildren
  2551. Time
  2552. TItemList
  2553. Title
  2554. TListBox
  2555. TListBoxXferRec
  2556. TLocalHandle
  2557. TLogBrush
  2558. TLogFont
  2559. TLogPalette
  2560. TLogPen
  2561. tmAscent
  2562. tmAveCharWidth
  2563. tmBreakChar
  2564. tmCharSet
  2565. tmDefaultChar
  2566. tmDescent
  2567. TMDIClient
  2568. TMDICreateStruct
  2569. tmDigitizedAspectX
  2570. tmDigitizedAspectY
  2571. TMDIWindow
  2572. TMeasureItemStruct
  2573. TMenuItemTemplateHeader
  2574. TMessage
  2575. TMetaFilePict
  2576. TMetaHeader
  2577. TMetaRecord
  2578. tmExternalLeading
  2579. tmFirstChar
  2580. tmHeight
  2581. tmInternalLeading
  2582. tmItalic
  2583. tmLastChar
  2584. tmMaxCharWidth
  2585. tmOverhang
  2586. tmPitchAndFamily
  2587. TMsg
  2588. tmStruckOut
  2589. TMultiKeyHelp
  2590. TMultiListXferRec
  2591. TMultiSelRec
  2592. tmUnderlined
  2593. tmWeight
  2594. TO
  2595. ToAscii
  2596. TObject
  2597. TOFStruct
  2598. Toggle
  2599. TPaintStruct
  2600. TPaletteEntry
  2601. TPattern
  2602. TPoint
  2603. TrackCursor
  2604. TrackMode
  2605. TrackPopupMenu
  2606. TRadioButton
  2607. Transfer
  2608. TransferBuffer
  2609. Transform_Ctm
  2610. TranslateMDISysAccel
  2611. TranslateMessage
  2612. TransmitCommChar
  2613. Transparent
  2614. TRect
  2615. TRegisters
  2616. TRGBQuad
  2617. TRGBTriple
  2618. TRUE
  2619. Trunc
  2620. Truncate
  2621. TScrollBar
  2622. TScroller
  2623. TSearchRec
  2624. TSortedCollection
  2625. TStatic
  2626. TStrCollection
  2627. TStream
  2628. TStreamRec
  2629. TTextBuf
  2630. TTextMetric
  2631. TTextRec
  2632. TWindow
  2633. TWindowAttr
  2634. TWindowsObject
  2635. TWndClass
  2636. TWordArray
  2637. TwoStopBits
  2638. TxDelay
  2639. TYPE
  2640. TypeOf
  2641. Uncheck
  2642. Undo
  2643. UngetCommChar
  2644. UnhookWindowsHook
  2645. UnionRect
  2646. UNIT
  2647. UnlockData
  2648. UnlockResource
  2649. UnlockSegment
  2650. UnrealizeObject
  2651. UnregisterClass
  2652. UNTIL
  2653. UpCase
  2654. UpdateColors
  2655. UpdateWindow
  2656. UserData
  2657. USES
  2658. Val
  2659. ValidateCodeSegments
  2660. ValidateFreeSpaces
  2661. ValidateRect
  2662. ValidateRgn
  2663. ValidWindow
  2664. Value
  2665. VAR
  2666. Variable_Pitch
  2667. versionNumber
  2668. VertRes
  2669. VertSize
  2670. VIRTUAL
  2671. VkKeyScan
  2672. vk_Add
  2673. vk_Back
  2674. vk_Cancel
  2675. vk_Capital
  2676. vk_Clear
  2677. vk_Control
  2678. vk_Decimal
  2679. vk_Delete
  2680. vk_Divide
  2681. vk_Down
  2682. vk_End
  2683. vk_Escape
  2684. vk_Execute
  2685. vk_F1
  2686. vk_F10
  2687. vk_F11
  2688. vk_F12
  2689. vk_F13
  2690. vk_F14
  2691. vk_F15
  2692. vk_F16
  2693. vk_F2
  2694. vk_F3
  2695. vk_F4
  2696. vk_F5
  2697. vk_F6
  2698. vk_F7
  2699. vk_F8
  2700. vk_F9
  2701. vk_Help
  2702. vk_Home
  2703. vk_Insert
  2704. vk_LButton
  2705. vk_Left
  2706. vk_MButton
  2707. vk_Menu
  2708. vk_Multiply
  2709. vk_Next
  2710. vk_Numlock
  2711. vk_Numpad0
  2712. vk_Numpad1
  2713. vk_Numpad2
  2714. vk_Numpad3
  2715. vk_Numpad4
  2716. vk_Numpad5
  2717. vk_Numpad6
  2718. vk_Numpad7
  2719. vk_Numpad8
  2720. vk_Numpad9
  2721. vk_OEM_1
  2722. vk_OEM_102
  2723. vk_OEM_2
  2724. vk_OEM_3
  2725. vk_OEM_4
  2726. vk_OEM_5
  2727. vk_OEM_6
  2728. vk_OEM_7
  2729. vk_OEM_8
  2730. vk_OEM_Comma
  2731. vk_OEM_Minus
  2732. vk_OEM_Period
  2733. vk_OEM_Plus
  2734. vk_OEM_Scroll
  2735. vk_Pause
  2736. vk_Print
  2737. vk_Prior
  2738. vk_RButton
  2739. vk_Return
  2740. vk_Right
  2741. vk_Select
  2742. vk_Separater
  2743. vk_Shift
  2744. vk_SnapShot
  2745. vk_Space
  2746. vk_Subtract
  2747. vk_Tab
  2748. vk_Up
  2749. VMTLink
  2750. VScroll
  2751. WaitMessage
  2752. WaitSoudState
  2753. wb_AutoCreate
  2754. wb_FromResource
  2755. wb_KBHandler
  2756. wb_MDIChild
  2757. wb_Transfer
  2758. wep_Free_DLL
  2759. wep_System_Exit
  2760. wf_80x87
  2761. wf_CPU086
  2762. wf_CPU186
  2763. wf_CPU286
  2764. wf_CPU386
  2765. wf_CPU486
  2766. wf_Enhanced
  2767. wf_LargeFrame
  2768. wf_Pmode
  2769. wf_SmallFrame
  2770. wf_Standard
  2771. wf_Win286
  2772. wf_Win386
  2773. WhereX
  2774. WhereY
  2775. WHILE
  2776. Whiteness
  2777. WhiteOnBlack
  2778. White_Brush
  2779. White_Pen
  2780. wh_CallWndProc
  2781. wh_GetMessage
  2782. wh_JournalPlayback
  2783. wh_Keyboard
  2784. wh_MsgFilter
  2785. wh_SysMsgFilter
  2786. WinCrt
  2787. Winding
  2788. WinDos
  2789. Window
  2790. WindowFromPoint
  2791. WindowOrg
  2792. WindowSize
  2793. WindowTitle
  2794. WinExec
  2795. WinHelp
  2796. WinProcs
  2797. WinTypes
  2798. WITH
  2799. WMActivate
  2800. WMClose
  2801. WMCommand
  2802. WMCreate
  2803. WMDestroy
  2804. WMHScroll
  2805. WMInitDialog
  2806. WMLButtonDown
  2807. WMNCDestroy
  2808. WMPaint
  2809. WMSize
  2810. WMVScroll
  2811. wm_Activate
  2812. wm_ActivateAPP
  2813. wm_AskCBFormatName
  2814. wm_CancelMode
  2815. wm_ChangeCBChain
  2816. wm_Char
  2817. wm_CharToItem
  2818. wm_ChildActivate
  2819. wm_Clear
  2820. wm_Close
  2821. wm_Command
  2822. wm_Compacting
  2823. wm_CompareItem
  2824. wm_Copy
  2825. wm_Count
  2826. wm_Create
  2827. wm_CtlColor
  2828. wm_Cut
  2829. wm_dde_Ack
  2830. wm_dde_Advise
  2831. wm_dde_Data
  2832. wm_dde_Execute
  2833. wm_dde_Initiate
  2834. wm_dde_Poke
  2835. wm_dde_Request
  2836. wm_dde_Terminate
  2837. wm_dde_Unadvise
  2838. wm_DeadChar
  2839. wm_DeleteItem
  2840. wm_Destroy
  2841. wm_DestroyClipboard
  2842. wm_DevModeChange
  2843. wm_DrawClipboard
  2844. wm_Enable
  2845. wm_EndSession
  2846. wm_EnterIdle
  2847. wm_EraseBkgnd
  2848. wm_First
  2849. wm_FontChange
  2850. wm_GetDlgCode
  2851. wm_GetFont
  2852. wm_GetMinMaxInfo
  2853. wm_GetText
  2854. wm_GetTextLength
  2855. wm_HScroll
  2856. wm_HScrollClipboard
  2857. wm_IconEraseBkgnd
  2858. wm_InitDialog
  2859. wm_InitMenu
  2860. wm_InitMenuPopup
  2861. wm_KeyDown
  2862. wm_KeyUp
  2863. wm_KillFocus
  2864. wm_LButtonDblClk
  2865. wm_LButtonDown
  2866. wm_LButtonUp
  2867. wm_MButtonDblClk
  2868. wm_MButtonDown
  2869. wm_MButtonUp
  2870. wm_MDIActivate
  2871. wm_MDICascade
  2872. wm_MDICreate
  2873. wm_MDIDestroy
  2874. wm_MDIGetActive
  2875. wm_MDIIconArrange
  2876. wm_MDIMaximize
  2877. wm_MDINext
  2878. wm_MDIRestore
  2879. wm_MDISetMenu
  2880. wm_MDITile
  2881. wm_MeasureItem
  2882. wm_MenuChar
  2883. wm_MenuSelect
  2884. wm_MouseActivate
  2885. wm_MouseMove
  2886. wm_Move
  2887. wm_NCActivate
  2888. wm_NCCalcSize
  2889. wm_NCCreate
  2890. wm_NCDestroy
  2891. wm_NCHitText
  2892. wm_NCLButtonDblClk
  2893. wm_NCLButtonDown
  2894. wm_NCLButtonUp
  2895. wm_NCMButtonDblClk
  2896. wm_NCMButtonDown
  2897. wm_NCMButtonUp
  2898. wm_NCMouseMove
  2899. wm_NCPaint
  2900. wm_NCRButtonDblClk
  2901. wm_NCRButtonDown
  2902. wm_NCRButtonUp
  2903. wm_NextDlgCtl
  2904. wm_Paint
  2905. wm_PaintClipboard
  2906. wm_PaintIcon
  2907. wm_PaletteChanged
  2908. wm_ParentNotify
  2909. wm_Paste
  2910. wm_QueryDragIcon
  2911. wm_QueryEndSession
  2912. wm_QueryNewPalette
  2913. wm_QueryOpen
  2914. wm_Quit
  2915. wm_rawItem
  2916. wm_RButtonDblClk
  2917. wm_RButtonDown
  2918. wm_RButtonUp
  2919. wm_RenderAllFormats
  2920. wm_RenderFormat
  2921. wm_SetCursor
  2922. wm_SetFocus
  2923. wm_SetFont
  2924. wm_SetRedraw
  2925. wm_SetText
  2926. wm_ShowWindow
  2927. wm_Size
  2928. wm_SizeClipboard
  2929. wm_SpoolerStatus
  2930. wm_SysChar
  2931. wm_SysColorChange
  2932. wm_SysCommand
  2933. wm_SysDeadChar
  2934. wm_SysKeyDown
  2935. wm_SysKeyUp
  2936. wm_TimeChange
  2937. wm_Timer
  2938. wm_Undo
  2939. wm_VKeyToItem
  2940. wm_VScroll
  2941. wm_VScrollClipboard
  2942. wm_WinIniChange
  2943. WObjects
  2944. WORD
  2945. WordBool
  2946. WordRec
  2947. wParam
  2948. wParamHi
  2949. wParamLo
  2950. Write
  2951. WriteBuf
  2952. WriteChar
  2953. WriteComm
  2954. WriteLn
  2955. WritePrivateProfileString
  2956. WriteProfileString
  2957. WriteStr
  2958. ws_Border
  2959. ws_Caption
  2960. ws_Child
  2961. ws_ChildWindow
  2962. ws_ClipChildren
  2963. ws_ClipSiblings
  2964. ws_Disabled
  2965. ws_DlgFrame
  2966. ws_ex_DlgModalFrame
  2967. ws_ex_NoParentNotify
  2968. ws_Group
  2969. ws_HScroll
  2970. ws_Iconic
  2971. ws_Maximize
  2972. ws_MaximizeBox
  2973. ws_Minimize
  2974. ws_MinimizeBox
  2975. ws_Overlapped
  2976. ws_OverlappedWindow
  2977. ws_Popup
  2978. ws_PopupWindow
  2979. ws_SizeBox
  2980. ws_SysMenu
  2981. ws_TabStop
  2982. ws_ThickFrame
  2983. ws_Tiled
  2984. ws_TiledWindow
  2985. ws_Visible
  2986. ws_VScroll
  2987. wvsprintf
  2988. XCHG
  2989. xExt
  2990. XLAT
  2991. XLine
  2992. XoffChar
  2993. XoffLim
  2994. XonChar
  2995. XonLim
  2996. XOR
  2997. XPage
  2998. XPos
  2999. XRange
  3000. XUnit
  3001. yExt
  3002. Yield
  3003. YLine
  3004. YPage
  3005. YPos
  3006. YRange
  3007. YUnit
  3008. _lclose
  3009. _lcreat
  3010. _llseek
  3011. _lopen
  3012. _lread
  3013. _lwrite